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Huh, interesting little thing here. Been a bit since I've played some text based stuff like this. Not too sure where it can go in the long run, but I do like it so far I'd say. Points immediately for Orvi, because scarred girls are extremely high tier.

I might be biased though.

Since this does seem to be a kind of straight forward choose your own adventure format, any kind of hints as to future content? I'd say I hope for a strip game, but honestly that probably isn't going to happen. Clothes don't stay on very long here.


Right now my efforts are going into experimenting more with user interaction and programmable elements. I was pretty clueless early on and in the very first build released there were literally no variables being used because it was so simple it didn't need them.

Current efforts are focused on building out a manor section that gives the player the freedom to explore at their own discretion, and that'll involve meeting the girls you didn't choose to see at the first branch. Ideally I'd also just like the player to have more things to interact with as well.

The strip game idea is interesting, though I wonder how effective it would be in a text game (Not that I haven't figured out how to implement are assets) Maybe it would just come down to how well I can describe it. It's something that I can look into.

Thanks for taking the time to play


Thanks for taking the time to read it! Just got back from a family trip.
And well, I am completely biased of course, but yes a text based strip game all boils down to how well stuff is described and written. Once had an IRC bot that you could play yakyuken against, come to think of it. Was still a fun little thing. Does boil down to the writing and the interaction, I'd say.